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1. Application

  • Complete applications are to be submitted by the second Tuesday of the month prior to the Board meeting.  If the BCD office is closed on a day which 310 applications must be turned in, the application will be accepted the next day.
  • 310- meetings are held at the regular board meeting, when & where.
  • All meetings are open to the public.  Some meetings may be cancelled if they occur on the same day as a holiday, or if a quorum of the board will not be present.  
    (See District Calendar for meeting dates.)
  • Note: This process may take at least 60 days.

2. Site Inspection

  • An onsite inspection date will either be determined upon receipt of the 310 application or at the next regular board meeting.  If the applicant is not present at the meeting, they will be contacted and given the date and time for the on-site inspection.
  • The team consists of a District representative, a Montana FWP representative and the applicant, landowner and/or landowner’s representative. The team will discuss the project on site. Team members may waive participation in the on-site inspection.
  • After an inspection is conducted, team members make recommendations to the District at a regular meeting. If no inspection is required, the District may proceed with the application and the applicant will be notified of its decision.

3. Decision

  • During the next board meeting, applications are approved, modified, or denied for a permit.
  • This time period can be extended if the BCD determines it necessary to collect further information.
  • After receiving notice of the decision, the applicant has 15 days to sign and return the Board’s Decision Form to indicate agreement.
    • (Note: Permit letters may take up to two weeks to be sent out.)
  • Unless otherwise stated on the supervisors decision form, the applicant must wait 15 days before proceeding with the project. If the applicant does not return the signed Board’s Decision Form, the permit is automatically null and void.

More information on the 310 Permit Process is available on the DNRC website.


In making a decision, the District considers these factors:

  • The effects on soil erosion and sedimentation, considering the methods available to complete the project and the nature and economics of the various alternatives.
  • The effects of stream alteration.
  • The effects on stream flow, turbidity, and water quality caused by materials used or by removal of ground cover
  • The effects on fish and aquatic habitat.


310 Joint Application | Other Forms

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